
Sparks & Routine

 Hello everyone, once again I am back with a new post here. Before we dive into todays topic I’d like to announce that my essay for university this year got a first so a huge shoutout to my lecturer (if he ever reads this) as I’m putting all my brain power and knowledge into this and it’s finally paying off. I’d also like to say that because it’s pride month I will be soon making a post on my trans identity and sparks due to how helpful this band have been for me as currently I only have 2 best friends who I see any time I can (I have other friends but those two are like my cheese if I was a mouse) so shoutout to Jenna and Ethan who may or may not read this I hope you enjoy my brain dump.  So on with today’s thoughts and discussions. I thought about discussing routine and sparks. For some of you coming from the sparks Facebook group you may remember I asked if this band had a vital part to your day to day life. Thanks to those who answered as I will like to share these findings with my

Hiatus is OVER: Angst and the LGBT community

 Hello everyone, I will begin with an apology for the delay and large gap between the last update and now. I have been swamped with university work, but now it’s summer break so I’m free to do my art group work and this. I’m so so happy to be back writing here. I have been holding this one concept in for a while as I have been tying it into my art group work. Later, I will do a short update on my personal life, but first we are discussing the sparks topic everyone’s here to read. Today’s post is about the album Angst in My Pants and the connection to the LGBT community. I hope you all enjoy this one as much as it has bubbled and brewed the more I’ve researched and thought about this concept.  (Front cover) So Angst in my Pants, why am I discussing this album in June, also known to many as Pride Month. As a fellow queer creative who chooses this month to make people aware how pride is not a party or a time to spend £15 on a pride themed cardigan in primark because “it’s cute and I want

Welcome Back! Art and Sparks

 Hello everyone it is your friendly writer here coming back after nearly a month of non existence. I am here to share some art I’ve been doing and discuss why being arty and a sparks fan helps me navigate the crazy and confusing world we live in.  Above is 3 of my recent doodles of Ron Mael. I started these while awaiting things to help me hand in my university work. I often find I carry way too many supplies and collect unique pens. These 3 were done in brush pens I bought once when out in Hexham. I am recently finding joy in using brush pens and colourful fine liners as they offer bold lines and give personality to my work.  Colour is so important to me as an artist (who is most likely autistic) as I can understand what someone’s feeling or the emotion the artist felt. When one looks to the Van Gough blue period they can automatically see he was depressed and struggling and the people in the paintings were also struggling. I also love using colour to give life to my characters, not j

Sparks and Special Interests

Hello everyone old and new, welcome back if you’re a regular, welcome in if you’re new. For them who don’t know; I’m Jack and I’m an illustrator who’s queer and has plans to write things one day. Until the day I get my hands on paper and pens I am writing a blog on being nuerodiverse and a sparks fan. Sharing my love and other people’s love of sparks, and combining it with nuerodiverse traits. I didn’t study psychology so all my views are just watching and reading into people. I am currently (still) on the autism waiting list, this series has helped me open up about my passions and stories from past and present. So come along for today’s ride, bring your favourite snacks or drinks. Because today I’m discussing special interests. Before I delve deep I will explain to you what a special interest is. A special interest is something you’ve fallen love with for years, you collect the items around it,  maybe develop your personality or style around it and you get happy and excited when you s

Sparks and Repetition

 Hello everyone, newcomers and regular readers. I am back after recovering from a nasty cold and burnout at the same time to share a new post. Today I decided to discuss one of my and most fans favourite parts of sparks, their repetition.  (This is the band sparks) Sparks have a diverse range of music, from glam rock to new wave/electronica to modern pop. They frolic freely through genres and sprinkle joy and fun wherever they land. I discovered them in 2021 so I’m a very new fan in some regards but I heard their song This Town Ain’t Big Enough and was transfixed, they sounded almost like true aliens of pop which David Bowie discussed in his Ziggy Stardust era, only these aliens were real. I had heard the song before my true opening into the fandom as I watched the film England is Mine during my college years (2019-2020) and always visualised the song as a funfair atmosphere since. The music is repetitive in the use of a piano riff and the guitars holding their hands and mingling smoot

Being LGBT (and a sparks fan)

 Good evening/morning once again, you join me very tired after a long week. I turned 21 recently, which was a huge milestone. My dad got me a badge machine so soon I’ll be making badge packs to sell and begin my art business. Anyways, I decided to do an essay on being LGBTQ+ and a sparks fan. So sit cosily, drink some water or eat a snack as we dive into this topic.  (teaser for todays post) I begin by sharing a photo of me. Why? Because I’m part of this community.  This is me. I’m a trans nonbinary person on the asexual spectrum. I have always told people I’m queer as many people don’t understand my sexuality; I’m demisexual which is where I feel attraction to them I’m friends with or trust. I won’t upset people with the trauma details here but I’ve had many times where people have taken advantage of me and left me confused about myself for a long time. I’m also gender diverse. I love dressing the way I like, my favourite thing to wear is a long flowy skirt I found in a charity shop.

Birthday Post ~ My favourite albums (and their stories)

Hello, Good morning or evening to my fellow readers. Thank you for coming back here. You join me 4 days before my 21st Birthday. I thought it would be fitting to share some of my favourite albums (which aren’t sparks themed) to celebrate my big day. On topic of big day, I will most likely posting this exhausted so I’m writing this well in advance to prevent delays. I also have plans to hopefully go to my local buildabear the day after my big day as on that day I’m having to deal with university deadlines and workmen at my house. I personally never thought I’d reach this age, I’ve always been mentally unwell and have had alot of difficult obstacles in life, but I’m still here which brings some tears to my eyes. At university staff and friends have been really supportive of this project, so if you are one of them thank you so much for the support and for putting up with my hyperfixation. Anyways without much hesitation I think it’s time to share music  1. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds: This on