Sparks and Special Interests

Hello everyone old and new, welcome back if you’re a regular, welcome in if you’re new. For them who don’t know; I’m Jack and I’m an illustrator who’s queer and has plans to write things one day. Until the day I get my hands on paper and pens I am writing a blog on being nuerodiverse and a sparks fan. Sharing my love and other people’s love of sparks, and combining it with nuerodiverse traits. I didn’t study psychology so all my views are just watching and reading into people. I am currently (still) on the autism waiting list, this series has helped me open up about my passions and stories from past and present. So come along for today’s ride, bring your favourite snacks or drinks. Because today I’m discussing special interests. Before I delve deep I will explain to you what a special interest is. A special interest is something you’ve fallen love with for years, you collect the items around it, maybe develop your personality or style around it and you get happy and excited when y...